Chapin Chispudo
Jul 2022
Guatemala is much more than a flag of 2 colors, more than an anthem or a national monument. Guatemala is you, it's me. Guatemala lives within us even though we are far from home.

Guatemala Textura

The greatness of the United States continues, day after day, with the collaboration of locals and foreigners who have made this country their current nation. It is with your effort and daily collaboration that you contribute your grain of sand to move this country forward and at the same time you help your family in Guatemala so that they can fulfill their dreams.


Chapín Chispudo

Throughout 2021, Guatemalans living abroad sent more than 11,000 million dollars in remittances, mainly from the United States, causing Guatemala to reach record figures despite the pandemic, which benefited not only the economy in general , but to more than 6 million Guatemalans directly.



Chapín 1


It is thanks to you that your Chapina family can have a better standard of living, education, housing and health. And you can continue supporting them with your money transfers and payment of services through InterCambio Express.



Currently around three million Guatemalans live in the United States, carrying their culture with pride and creating spaces for its conservation in the place where they migrated.

Because being chapin is coming from Guate, missing Guate and always carrying Guate in your heart.




InterCambio Express



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chapín chispudo

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