Back-to-School! Tips to save money
Aug 2022
It’s always challenging for parents and children at the beginning of the school year, but we both have the responsibility to give the world the best we can with the best education we can achieve; so, it is a parent’s job to educate and children’s job to learn.   So, it’s time to get ready […]

It’s always challenging for parents and children at the beginning of the school year, but we both have the responsibility to give the world the best we can with the best education we can achieve; so, it is a parent’s job to educate and children’s job to learn.

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So, it’s time to get ready to plan, collect and even buy everything we need. It’s not just about school supplies, books, notebooks, uniforms, the new Spider-Man or My Little Pony backpack, etc., but also about anti-COVID health care.

And that is if your champion or princess doesn’t need a Lap-Top, Tablet or cell phone.


That’s why we give you some small but important tips for saving money at this first stage of the school year:

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Regreso a clasesREUSE

Reviewing what has a useful life, such as notebooks in good condition and clean pages, backpacks, uniforms, computers, among others, will help you buy only what is really necessary.


RECYCLE BOOKSRegreso a clases

Consult with classmates from the same school, family and friends, or even search social network contacts, in physical or digital format if they have the ones you require. And not only to reduce expenses, but also contribute to the care of the environment.

Ahorrar en regreso a clases

Regreso a clasesCOMPARE PRICES

It’s useful to compare prices and locate the best cost among different stores or suppliers, you can consult their catalogs online to avoid visiting one by one.

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Buy with an extra discount few weeks before anticipating the price increases or check at wholesale stores specialized in school supplies.

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We were all children and now being parents, we understand what this means at a 100%. Let’s make this Back-to-School fun, exciting and joyful.

Give a star to your achievements!




InterCambio Express



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