Stay at home
Apr 2020

Stay at home


APRIL, 2020



InterCambio Express is always aware and committed to our community, joins the Stay at home campaign, it is essential that we all become aware of the situation and do our bit.

In an emergency situation like the one we are experiencing worldwide; it is essential to be informed. We have collected some important information that can help you in this circumstance:


– Wash your hands or use antibacterial gel regularly.

– Sneeze or cough into the inner corner of your arm.

– Avoid touching your face.

– Constantly cleans and disinfects commonly used surfaces.

– Avoid contact with other people.


What to do if you are sick?


– Don’t leave home until you contact your doctor.

– Stay away from other people you live with.

– Use a mask to cover your mouth and nose.

– Do not share household items such as glasses, plates, or cutlery.

– Monitor the symptoms.

If you need more detailed information about Coronavirus you can visit the page Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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Horario de atención de lunes a viernes de 9 am a 6 pm y sábado de 9 am a 1 pm / Hours of operation Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm and Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm.

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