The queens of the house
MAY 2020
The ones that fill us with love, peace, affection, calm and the ones that always put our home in order: Our Mothers. Those who give us everything, those who deserve everything and those who always have the sincerest hugs. They may have a day on the calendar, but they occupy 365 days of each year of our lives.
Happy day! We celebrate and love all mothers, no matter what country or city we are in.

Mother’s Day is very special and is celebrated all over the world; on different dates, but with the same meaning. In Mexico it is celebrated on May 10 of each year, in other countries such as Spain and Portugal it is celebrated on the first Sunday of May, in the United States and most countries are celebrated on the second Sunday of May. What is important is not the day but what it symbolizes; and the tradition of having a date to celebrate and care for our mothers is a sign of family union.

We are used to give them flowers, take them to eat or buy gifts, but the truth is that the most beautiful thing about this tradition is the demonstration of affection and love towards mothers.
At InterCambio Express we celebrate all the queens of the house, and we wish them a great day.