International Day of Family Remittances
JUNE, 2019
Every June 16, the International Day of Family Remittances is celebrated, and the importance of this day is based on spreading the contribution of remittances in the world economy.
This day was unanimously proclaimed by the 176 member states of the Governing Council of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in February 2015.

According to the United Nations, the celebration of this day is intended to encourage the public and private sectors and civil society to do more and to collaborate so that these funds have the greatest impact in developing countries.
For us it is a day in which we want to recognize the effort, sacrifice and hard work of all those men and women, who even when they leave their country of origin continue looking for the opportunity to help and provide a better quality of life to their loved ones.
InterCambio Express has been advocating for years to support migrant families with their money transfers; offering the best rates of change, speed, quality and safety.
InterCambio Express is the best alternative for you and your family, so start now!