Horror with scams

Horror with scams

  Surely you have also heard those horror stories where someone got scammed through a money transfer and you think you would not like to be in the same situation. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that scammers always resort to smart schemes to take your...
Send Money safely

Send Money safely

Intercambio Express is a family money transfer company in which you can send transactions very easy, quick and save. To protect your interests and those of your family, we share next tips so that you don’t be a fraud victim: We recommend you sending money only...
I need money!

I need money!

I need money! 10 MARCH, 2020 Finances Advices Information We all have gone through that situation where we fell short on cash. The truth is that even those who carry a strict financial discipline can go through a tough spot, whatever the trouble, there is a solution...
Let’s get ready to do taxes!

Let’s get ready to do taxes!

Let’s get ready to do taxes! 11 FEBRUARY, 2020 Finances Advise It’s tax season, and we know how difficult and overwhelming it can be. That´s why we have compiled a series of tips and advice that can help and facilitate this process. First you should know that...